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Tim Barringer
London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in association with Yale University Press, 2005. 392 pp.; 33 color ills.; 113 b/w ills. Cloth $65.00 (0300103808)
Recent years have witnessed a transformation of the field of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century British art, as scholars have rejected a definition of the modern derived from French art, and investigated the specific contours of a British modernity and its visual modes. Tim Barringer has already played a significant role in this reappraisal , and his recent book, Men at Work: Art and Labour in Victorian Britain, continues this conversation, making an important contribution both to the study of mid-Victorian visual culture and to the larger theoretical questions raised by recent scholars of Victorian art. The subject of … Full Review
April 11, 2007
Eunice Dauterman Maguire and Henry Maguire
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. 232 pp.; 8 color ills.; 150 b/w ills. Cloth $58.00 (0691125643)
At stake in this book are the very identity and stability of Byzantine art. Accustomed to understanding Byzantine art as a settled category, we often perceive this material culture as expressions of the powerful piety and pious power emanating from Constantinople. The authors of this book, however, perform a remarkable feat in undermining those perceptions to the point where new categories become possible. Remarkable is the persuasive power of their prose, which is measured, self-effacing, and lucid. Moreover, their book is methodologically unthreatening: The prose is streamlined, the notes are not fat, and the illustrations are many, often unusual and… Full Review
April 11, 2007
Paul Binski
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in association with Yale University Press, 2004. 320 pp.; 80 color ills.; 210 b/w ills. Cloth $65.00 (0300105096)
Becket’s Crown: Art and Imagination in Gothic England 1170–1300 is a book of remarkable depth and range. In contrast with more typical media-specific studies of the past, Paul Binski has undertaken a study that considers the art of the period in an integrated and synthetic manner. Indeed, Binski’s approach not only considers a broad range of media but also a broad range of issues concerning the production and reception of his subject. This dense and complex analysis draws on a variety of methodologies, chief among them the historical and cultural theories developed by anthropologist Clifford Geertz. In order to develop… Full Review
April 11, 2007
George Beech
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 160 pp.; 24 b/w ills. Cloth $85.00 (1403966702)
Uniquely, this book, according to its jacket copy, “presents the hypothesis that the Bayeux Tapestry, long believed to have been made in England, came from the Loire valley in France, from the abbey of St. Florent of Saumur.” For those with more than just a general knowledge of the Tapestry (the assumed audience of this book), this claim will seem bizarre, if not mad! Beech, somewhat like Charles Darwin, “anticipated reactions of stupor and disbelief” (ix) before he put pen to paper, but preferred not to discuss his theory with friends and colleagues until after he had finished the book… Full Review
April 10, 2007
Pamela A. Patton
New York: Peter Lang, 2004. 298 pp.; 107 b/w ills. Cloth $72.95 (0820472689)
Pamela Patton’s Pictorial Narrative in the Romanesque Cloister addresses some large, wide-ranging questions that are of interest to all who work on the function and imagery of cloisters or indeed on medieval pictorial narrative in other contexts. The central question is one that has exercised medievalists for a long time: were there any Romanesque cloisters with coherent iconographic programmes? As Patton’s contenders have narrative imagery, she also asks what was the function of that kind of imagery and how was it viewed by the resident monks or canons. Both Ilene Forsyth (“The Vita Apostolica and Romanesque Sculpture: Some Preliminary Observations,”… Full Review
April 9, 2007
George Henderson and Isabel Henderson
London: Thames and Hudson, 2004. 256 pp.; 326 b/w ills. Cloth £45.00 (0500238073)
The Art of the Picts marks a lifetime’s collaboration between George and Isabel Henderson, not least on the scholarly front. Isabel became the leading scholar of Pictish art, while her husband George frequently returned to the same subject in his own more wide-ranging studies. Having retired from Cambridge, the Hendersons now live within walking distance of the greatest Pictish cross slab at Nigg, Ross and Cromarty, where they continue to wrestle with the originality and frustrations of Pictish art. For those long steeped in Pictish studies, this joint effort is remarkable for what it does not do. The maps… Full Review
April 2, 2007
Exhibition schedule: Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, October 7–December 24, 2006; Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai, Japan, April 13–May 19, 2007; Museum of Modern Art, Hayama, Japan, June 9–September 2, 2007. The show is expected to be offered at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2008, probably in a modified form.
In Japan, Toyo Ito (born 1941) is considered one of the most important figures in post-War Japanese architecture. Based in Tokyo, he has valued both theory and practice, and has used each of them to perceptively articulate the implications of social change. In the 1970s, Ito reflected Japan’s technological enthusiasm, originally calling his firm URBOT, an abbreviation of “Urban Robot.” His work of this period ultimately culminated in Silver Hut, a high-tech aluminum home for his family, where windows were cranked shut by the kind of mechanisms found in automobiles of the time and people sat on airy, expanded-metal chairs… Full Review
February 6, 2007
Exhibition schedule: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, January 27–December 31, 2006
It is unusual but probably auspicious for an exhibition to last from January to December, as Tradition and Transformation: Japanese Art 1860–1940 does. Presenting visually compelling images and well-documented histories, the exhibition offers a revealing glimpse into the formative decades of Japan’s emergence as a modernizing nation. The Museum of Fine Arts’ collecting of Japanese art can be traced back to the late nineteenth century, and is deeply indebted to the insight and generosity of a group of Bostonians, including Edward Sylvester Morse, Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, William Sturgis Bigelow, Charles Goddard Weld, and Deman Waldo Ross, all of whom traveled… Full Review
January 30, 2007
Sponsored by Creative Time. Exhibition schedule: 529 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, October 1–December 10, 2006

Chicago-based artist Michael Rakowitz navigates the unstable border between art and life. Among his well-known interventions are the ongoing paraSITE series in which he collaborates with urban homeless to design portable housing shelters that can be hooked up to a building’s exterior ventilation system (a working example was included in MoMA’s 2005 exhibition Safe: Design Takes on Risk) and 2001’s Rise, in which Rakowitz extended a duct from a nearby Chinese bakery into an exhibition space on New York’s Lafayette Street. His current project—a functioning store and import/export business located at 529 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn—is his most… Full Review
January 29, 2007
Teresa A. Carbone
New York: Brooklyn Museum in association with D Giles Limited, 2006. 1152 pp.; 160 color ills.; 860 b/w ills. Cloth $350.00 (1904832083)
The Brooklyn Museum’s scholarly catalogue documenting its entire collection of eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century American paintings is a landmark contribution to American art scholarship. Its elegant, clean, and user-friendly design belies the impressive breadth and depth of its content. It is fortuitous—though surely not originally foreseen—that the publication of the book, begun twenty years ago in response to the Luce Foundation’s grants program to support major museum catalogues of American paintings, coincides with the completion of the Brooklyn Museum’s Luce Center for American Art. The publication’s extensive entries and data on nearly 700 American paintings by 360 artists make a… Full Review
January 29, 2007
Exhibition schedule: Norwich Gallery, Norwich School of Art and Design, Norwich, England, July 8–August 9, 2006
EAST International, the open-submission exhibition that takes place annually in and around Norwich School of Art and Design, displayed its well-earned self-confidence in 2006, when programming material boasted that, “The trust of artists in the democratic structure of an open exhibition has enabled EAST to become an annual challenge to the expertise of the contemporary art establishment. Not a bad achievement for a small art school gallery in a provincial city.” Perhaps to find this challenge we should look to such galleries in such cities detached from London’s monolithic art establishment (Norwich is in the historic capital of the… Full Review
January 25, 2007
Ptolemy Dean
Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. 208 pp. Cloth (1840142936)
Architect, historian, and television presenter Ptolemy Dean’s latest book on the work of Sir John Soane (1753–1837) constitutes a significant, intensely researched, and sumptuously illustrated contribution to the study of the late-Georgian British architect. Yet, as with many recent works on Soane, it also emanates something of the incense-filled air of a many-chambered and well-attended shrine wherein every scrap of paper, masonry, woodwork, or glazing that the great man might possibly have laid eyes on is consecrated for the reader’s study and admiration. Its value to Soane scholars and admirers is very tangible; its meaning to a wider public engaged… Full Review
January 25, 2007
Rediscovering Venetian Renaissance Painting was the closing event of several associated with the exhibition Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, June 18–September 17, 2006. Previous events included a Robert H. Smith Curatorial/Conservation Colloquy entitled Venetian Underdrawing at the National Gallery’s Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts. Among the participants were Paolo Spezzani, X-ray and infrared specialist from Venice; Jill Dunkerton, conservator from London National Gallery; Barbara Berrie and Elizabeth Walmsley of the Washington National Gallery; and Carmen Bambach, curator of the Metropolitan Museum Drawing Department. On… Full Review
January 24, 2007
Bruno Chenique and Sylvie Ramond, eds.
Exh. cat. Paris: Éditions Hazan, 2007. 240 pp.; 173 color ills.; 38 b/w ills. Paper €35.00 (2754100989)
Exhibition schedule: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, April 21–July 31, 2006
Wall texts and labels in museum exhibitions, often written in bland and impersonal prose, tend to obscure the voice of the curator. The exhibition Géricault: La Folie d’un Monde provides a glorious exception to the rule. Bruno Chenique, an independent scholar and author of numerous publications about Théodore Géricault, develops his thesis not only in the exhibition’s catalogue (which is often the venue reserved for more theoretical art history in the present museum climate) but also, refreshingly, in the thought-provoking, witty, and at times caustic wall texts, brochure, and audio guide commentary. As with any great curatorial eye, Chenique makes… Full Review
January 24, 2007
Thomas Crow, Branden W. Joseph, Paul Schimmel, and Charles Stuckey
Exh. cat. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2005. 317 pp.; 170 color ills.; 30 b/w ills. Paper $45.00 (0914357921)
Exhibition schedule: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, December 20, 2005–April 2, 2006; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, May 21–September 11, 2006; Musée national d’arte moderne, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris, October 25, 2006–January 21, 2007; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, February 17–May 6, 2007
One of the first objects encountered upon entering Robert Rauschenberg: Combines at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles was Satellite (1955). This modestly scaled Combine is composed of a sundry collection of materials including a pair of dirty cream-colored socks, two dainty discolored doilies, a strip of worn paisley sheet, sections of cardboard, paint-soaked comic strip broadsheets, and dripping, sensual passages of red, yellow, white, and blue oil paint. This mess of elements is topped off by a swaggering, taxidermied chicken caked in thick oil, who struts defiantly across the paint-encrusted upper ledge of the picture, his downward… Full Review
January 18, 2007