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Recently Published Reviews

John Varriano
University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. 288 pp.; 104 color ills. Paper $40.95 (0271027185)
The sight of John Varriano’s Caravaggio: Art of Realism on the list of new literary offerings inevitably raises the question whether the art world really needs another treatise on Caravaggio. The provocative image of Victorious Love (1601–2) chosen for the book jacket, moreover, awakens the fear that Varriano’s contribution may be yet another wearisome exploration of the sexuality of the seventeenth-century artist. The recent literature on Caravaggio can be overwhelming. In the realm of biographies, readers can select anything from Helen Langdon’s brilliant Caravaggio: A Life (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999) to Peter Robb’s lamentable flight of… Full Review
September 12, 2007
On April 22, 2007, the Metropolitan Museum of Art sponsored a symposium to discuss issues surrounding the exhibition Venice and the Islamic World, 828–1797. The symposium brought together a group of experts on the interactions between Venice and Islam. In his introduction to the symposium, Stefano Carboni, curator of the exhibition and administrator of the Department of Islamic Art at the Metropolitan Museum, emphasized the three concepts governing the exhibition: to show the reasons why Venice had so many trade relationships with the Islamic world, to examine the relationship between trade and diplomacy, and to discuss Venice’s… Full Review
September 12, 2007
Miguel Falomir, ed.
Madrid: Museo Nacional del Prado, 2007. 465 pp.; 206 color ills. Paper $90.00 (1903470463)
Exhibition schedule: January 30–May 27, 2007
The Prado’s exhibition on Tintoretto, mounted by curator Miguel Falomir, meets the standard that a show is justified by its educational value to both the specialist and the public. Occupying the central wing of the primo piano of the Prado, the exhibit is mounted spaciously and offers judicious juxtapositions of paintings, drawings, and technical data. While presenting itself as the first monographic exhibition for the artist since 1937, the show also disclaims any pretension to be complete. (During the Tintoretto anniversary year of 1994, the Accademia in Venice provided an exhibition of Tintoretto’s portraiture, at which time an itinerary of… Full Review
September 6, 2007
Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw
Exh. cat. Andover, MA: Addison Gallery of American Art in association with University of Washington Press, 2006. 184 pp.; many color ills.; many b/w ills. Paper (0295985712)
Exhibition schedule: Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA, January 14–March 26, 2006; Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, April 21–July 17, 2006; Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA, August 25–November 26, 2006
Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by the Addison Gallery of American Art, Portraits of a People: Picturing African Americans in the Nineteenth Century is an important contribution to the growing literature on race and visual representation in American culture. The beautifully illustrated catalogue includes three essays by guest curator Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw (Associate Professor of History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania), two of which expand upon the ideas in her first book, Seeing the Unspeakable: The Art of Kara Walker (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004). It also contains an introduction by Karen C. C. Dalton… Full Review
September 6, 2007
Christy Anderson
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 292 pp.; many b/w ills. Cloth $106.00 (0521820278)
“If we try to enclose him in his own time and look into his works instead of outward from them,” John Summerson lamented with a distinct echo of William Kent more than 200 years before him, “we find ourselves gazing at something extremely hard to bring to focus” (Inigo Jones, London: Penguin, 1966, 13). They were both speaking about Inigo Jones, the first intellectually complex architect England has produced in its history of the built environment. John Webb, Jones’s son-in-law, actively promoted Jones as a heroic figure for English architecture; in his book on Stonehenge, Webb carefully edited… Full Review
September 3, 2007
Lin Po-t’ing, ed.
Exh. cat. Taipei: National Palace Museum, 2007. 495 pp.; 196 color ills. Cloth (1009503912)
Exhibition schedule: National Palace Museum, Taipei, December 25, 2006–March 25, 2007
In Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor, there is a scene in the Forbidden City after the 1911 Republican Revolution in which the already abdicated last emperor P’u-i (John Lone) warned his two chief eunuchs with these words: “I’ve recently learned that many pieces from the imperial collections were on sale in the antique stores of Peking!” Palace eunuchs were notorious thieves of imperial treasures. The Forbidden City, first built from 1406 to 1420, was not only the world’s largest palace complex for the twenty-four successive emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties, but also the home to the magnificent… Full Review
August 30, 2007
Peter Barnet and Pete Dandridge
Exh. cat. New York: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture in association with Yale University Press, 2006. 256 pp.; 100 color ills.; 30 b/w ills. Cloth $55.00 (0300116845)
Exhibition schedule: The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, New York, July 12–October 15, 2006
From the twelfth to the fifteenth century, a remarkable group of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic vessels for ceremonial hand washing were made in medieval Germany. Employed in the service of the Mass and at the noble table, aquamanilia ranged in shape from single animals such as dragons, lions, and peacocks to more complex compositions, including mounted knights and Samson fighting the lion. The appearance of these objects in Germany in the twelfth century is remarkable for a number of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, they mark the resurgence of the technology for casting hollow metal objects in medieval Europe, a skill that… Full Review
August 30, 2007
William R. Cook, ed.
Boston: Brill, 2005. 298 pp.; 120 ills. Cloth $225.00 (9004131671)
It is humbling to realize how much has been written, yet how much remains uncertain, about the art associated with the medieval Franciscan order. Considering the tremendous growth of mendicant orders—Franciscan, Dominican, and other—in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and the extravagant claims that have been made about their cultural influence, the attention given to the art of the Franciscans is not misplaced. Scholars have linked the Franciscan movement of the thirteenth century to the rise of naturalism and humanism in the visual arts, to the development of narrative painting and the vernacular lyric, to significant changes in Marian piety… Full Review
August 30, 2007
Anne-Orange Poilpré
Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2005. 304 pp.; 4 color ills.; 26 b/w ills. Paper (220407571X)
As she writes in her foreword, the goal of Anne-Orange Poilpré’s new book on the Maiestas Domini is to analyze the origin and development of this iconographical theme from its emergence in Early Christian Rome and Ravenna until the reign of Charles the Bald (14). It is the most comprehensive work on the subject since Frederick van der Meer’s pioneering book of 1938, and is thus considerably broader in scope than other studies that have dealt with the Maiestas in the Carolingian and Romanesque periods.[1] Conspicuously displayed in church apses, sculpted Romanesque and Gothic tympana, as well as… Full Review
August 29, 2007
Ann Boulton, Jay Fisher, Dorothy Kosinski, Steve Nash, and Oliver Shell
Exh. cat. Baltimore, Dallas, and New Haven: Baltimore Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art, and Nasher Sculpture Center in association with Yale University Press, 2007. 312 pp.; 261 color ills.; 35 b/w ills. $60.00 (9780300115413)
Exhibition schedule: Dallas Museum of Art and Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX, January 21–April 29, 2007; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 9–September 16, 2007; Baltimore Museum of Art, October 28, 2007–February 3, 2008
“I myself have done sculpture as the complement of my studies. I did sculpture when I was tired of painting. For a change of medium. But I sculpted as a painter. I did not sculpt like a sculptor. Sculpture does not say what painting says. Painting does not say what music says. They are parallel ways, but you can’t confuse them.” —Henri Matisse Matisse’s statement, printed high on the wall in the Dallas Museum of Art foyer, sums up the motivation for Matisse: Painter as Sculptor, an ambitious exhibition jointly organized by the Dallas Museum of Art,… Full Review
August 29, 2007
Fereshteh Daftari, ed.
Exh. cat. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2006. 112 pp.; 98 color ills. Cloth $65.00 (0870700855)
Exhibition schedule: Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 26–May 22, 2006
Venetia Porter, ed.
Exh. cat. London: British Museum Press, 2006. 144 pp.; 204 color ills. Cloth (0714111635)
Exhibition schedule: British Museum, London, May 18–September 2, 2006
Contemporary art from the Middle East has only begun to emerge from obscurity in the past decade. Its struggle for recognition by the mainstream art world stems from an indefinable hesitation, lack of understanding, and the absence of established standards by which to evaluate it. A handful of major museums have started to collect this art seriously, while others continue to resist such acquisitions, often dismissing them as derivative and of questionable quality. Two recent exhibitions that focused on contemporary art from the Middle East and helped to put it on the map were Without Boundary: Seventeen Ways of Looking… Full Review
August 16, 2007
Charles McClendon
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. 280 pp.; 35 color ills.; 175 b/w ills. Cloth $75.00 (9780300106886)
Charles McClendon’s recent book sets forth, perhaps for the first time in English, a substantial prehistory of medieval architecture from late Roman Antiquity through the “Dark Ages” and the Carolingian Renaissance. Ranging over nearly a half-millennium, he focuses on the period between 600 and 900 in explaining the roots of Romanesque architecture. A lavish scholarly apparatus includes a plethora of carefully placed photographic illustrations, many line drawings, and numerous measured ground plans that closely support the meticulously documented, well-written text. An eloquent celebration of a little-known era of architectural history that is plainly meant for the enjoyment and edification of… Full Review
August 15, 2007
Véronique Plesch
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. 488 pp.; 123 color ills.; 33 b/w ills. Cloth $55.00 (9780268038885)
Many of us have had the experience of walking into a little-known church in a quaint European town where we were so intrigued that we considered conducting research on the church’s elaborate decorations. Unlike most of us, who recognize the daunting nature of such an undertaking, Véronique Plesch has spent the last decade documenting, investigating, and analyzing the extensive fresco cycle by Giovanni Canavesio in the church of Notre-Dame des Fontaines at La Brigue. This church, located about eighty kilometers north of Nice, is home to the most well-preserved of four extant fresco cycles completed by Canavesio in the 1480s… Full Review
August 14, 2007
Christina Riggs
New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. 358 pp.; 8 color ills.; 126 b/w ills. Cloth $199.00 (019927665X)
The theme of cultural intersection in Ptolemaic and Roman-period Egypt has recently captured scholarly attention, particularly that of philologists and historians. Jacco Dieleman’s Priests, Tongues, and Rites: The London-Leiden Magical Manuscripts and Translation in Egyptian Ritual (100–300 CE) (Leiden: Brill, 2005), for example, and Susan Stephens’s Seeing Double: Intercultural Poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003) underscore the interlaced debt of Greeks and Egyptians. And with scarce exception, the articles in the often-cited Life in a Multi-cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond (edited by Janet H. Johnson; Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1992) also rely… Full Review
August 9, 2007
The ninth Clark Art Institute spring conference was organized by Marq Smith, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Visual Culture, along with Michael Ann Holly and Mark Ledbury, director and associate director, respectively, of the Clark’s Research and Academic Programs. In her opening remarks, Holly noted that a handful of those initially invited to speak declined on the grounds that research was simply what they did and there was really nothing much more they could imagine saying about it. Something of this sense is reflected as well in remarks by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai cited by both Smith and Holly… Full Review
August 8, 2007