Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Ancient Greek/Roman Art
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2019

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Acquisto, Kiernan, “The Self-Conscious Kings: Intersecting Identities and the Representation of Power on the Figural Relief Sarcophagi from the ‘Aya’a Necropolis, Sidon” (Boston University, S.R. Martin)

Arseven, Müge, " Reality and Representation: Depictions of Sacred Architecture in Greek Antiquity" (Columbia University, I. Mylonopoulos) [in the name Müge, the “u” has an umlaut]

Barnard, Bailey, "Royal Posturing: Staging the Hellenistic Ruler in Portraits and in Person" (Columbia University, I Mylonopoulos)

Bulger, Monica, " Facing Forward: Menacing Frontality in the Archaic Period" (Columbia University, I. Mylonopoulos)

Burgess, Steven, “Conflagration and Consecreation Funerary Pyres of the Roman Imperial Family from 138 to 235 CE” (Boston University, F. Kleiner)

Cabaniss, Andrew, “Household Choice ad Urban Dynamics in the 1st millennia BCE Ancient Greek World” (University of Michigan, L. Nevett)

Champlin, Sara, “Privatization and Sub-Division of Public Baths in Western Asia Minor, 400-700 A.D.” (University of Wisconsin, Madison, N. Cahill)

Chen, Amanda, “Transition and Superstition: The Art and Experience of Roman Doorways” (University of Maryland, College Park, M. Gensheimer)

Christiaens, Karin E., "Passageways to Public Space: Monumentalizing the Greek Polis in the Hellenistic and Imperial Periods" (Columbia University, F. de Angelis)

Clerkin, Caitlin, “Hellenistic and Early Parthian Seleucia-on-the-Tigris Revisited” (University of Michigan, S. Herbert and C. Ratté)

Cohen, Sheira, “Invasion or Interaction? The History and Archaeology of Latium and the Central Apennines 800-350BC” (University of Michigan, N. Terrenato)

Creola, Alexandra, “Roman Nymphs and the Underworld: Place, Landscape, and Religion in Roman Italy” (University of Michigan, E. Gazda and N. Terrenato)

DiFabio, Christina, “Synoikism and Urbanization: A Regional Approach in Hellenistic Anatolia” (University of Michigan, C. Ratté)

Ekserdjian, Alexander, "Immortal Bodies: The Sculptural Representation of Mortals and Gods in the Sanctuaries of Central Italy" (Columbia University, F. de Angelis)

Gkiokas, Nikos, “Kouroi in the Context of Ancient Greek Sanctuaries” (Duke University, S. Dillon)

Goldman-Petri, Megan, “The Augustan Honorific Altar: Its Emergence, Monumentalization, and Eclipse” (Princeton, M. Koortbojian)

Gradoz, Machal, “Ceramics, Epigraphy, and 'Romanization' in early Roman Epirus and Illyria” (University of Michigan, C, Ratté)

Green, Brandon, “Confronting the Past in the Critical Third Century” (Princeton, M. Koortbojian)

Harvey, Craig, “Imperial Framework and Provincial Realities: The Construction of Baths in the Roman Near East” (University of Michigan, C. Ratté)

Healey, Daniel, “Retrospective Styles in Roman Visual Culture” (Princeton, M. Koortbojian)

Hill, Nadhira, “From Fabric to Function: The Organization of Ceramic Production in Late Classical Olynthos, Greece” (University of Michigan, L. Nevett)

Kessler, Elizabeth J., “I am the True Vine: Acculturation, Appropriation, and Assimilation in Religious Iconography of Late Antiquity” (Princeton, W. Childs)

Kolonauski, Leanna, "Contextualizing the Procession Fresco at Knossos: An Iconographic and Phenomenological Study" (Temple University, J. Evans)

Lazarus, Amanda, “Female Youth on Classical Attic Tombstones: An Iconographic and Sociohistorical Study of Female Infants, Children and Adolescents in the Cemeteries of Athens”, Duke University, S. Dillon)

Lemmer-Webber, Morgan, "Women and Wool Working in the Roman Empire" (University of Wisconsin Madison, N. Cahill)

Lesswing, Laura,” The Histories of Greek Cult Statues Beyond Ritual” (Princeton, M. Koortbojian)

Muñoz, Carlos J., “The Apoxyomenos: Meaning & Context of the Athlete with a Strigil in the Greek and Roman World” (Boston University, S.R. Martin) [the n in Muñoz has a tilde above it]

Naglak, Matthew, “The Rhythm of the Forum: Reconsidering Piazza Spaces in Roman Italy” (University of Michigan, N. Terrenato)

Ness, Shannon, “Heritage and Community Archaeology in 21st Century Turkey” (University of Michigan, C. Ratté)

Nicholson, Carissa, "Image and Reality: the Domestic World on Classical Greek Vases" (University of Florida, M. Eaverly)

Ortiz, Zoe, “The Sculptures, Temples, and Urban Landscape of Imperial Gabii: A City in Transition” (University of Michigan, N. Terrenato)

Rietveld, Kyra, "Iconography of the Cult of Artemis in the Greek Classical and Imperial Periods" (University of Florida, A. Jones)

Rittershaus, Alison, “Birds in the House: Representations of Nature and Artifice at Oplontis Villa A (and Beyond)” (University of Michigan, E. Gazda)

Russo, Heather, “Concordia and Succession at Rome” (Princeton, M. Koortbojian)

Sarasin, Sydney, "The Natural World in Bronze Age Aegean Glyptic and its Sociopolitical Implications" (Temple University, J. Evans)

Schneller, David, "Strangers in the Shrine: Itinerant Objects in Greek Sanctuaries of the Geometric and Archaic Periods" (Columbia University, I. Mylonoloupos)

Smagh, Hannah, “The Embeddedness of Religion in the Classical Greek House and its Consequences for Social Practice” (Princeton, N. Arrington)

Tafe, Jennifer S., “Nikosthenes: Innovation and Identity in Late Archaic Vase-Painting” (Boston University, S. R. Martin)

Tucker, Gregory, “The Maritime Façades of the Cities of Coastal Asia Minor in the Early Roman Period” (University of Michigan, C. Ratté)

van Oppen, Brian, "Radiant Bodies: Animating Etruscan Bronze Candelabra" (Columbia University, F. de Angelis)

Woldman, Joseph, “Look at Me: Faces and Gazes in Sixth - Fifth Century Etruria” (Columbia University, F. de Angelis)

Yen, Alexandria H., “The Door Motif in Roman Art: 80 BC to 235 CE” (Boston University, F. Kleiner)

Zapelloni Pavia, Arianna, “Cultural Change in the Religious Landscape of Umbria between the 6th and the 1st centuries BC” (University of Michigan, N. Terrenato)